Happiness Is An Inside Job.

We seek, strive, chase, grasp, and cling to people and things outside of us, only to wonder why true peace, fulfillment, and happiness still elude us.

How would things change in how you show up in the world if you really understood that happiness is an “inside job”?

What if you knew that everything you’ve been searching for is already inside of you?

Here are the two questions I ask myself that ALWAYS put me in check:

1) What am I chasing?
2) Why am I chasing it? 

My hope for you today is that you will stop, pause, and look within to find the love and light that’s been waiting there this whole time!

It’s in there, I promise! You may just have to do some work to chip away at what might be getting in the way!



Seeking External Validation Will Never Be Enough.


It's Time To Look Inside And Ask…