Mindset & Transformational Coaching

Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly chasing success and happiness without ever truly achieving it? I believe that true growth, transformation and fulfillment do not come from achieving more, but instead, by letting go of the obstacles and limiting beliefs getting in the way.

Instead of focusing solely on achieving external goals, “The Shift” empowers you to identify and release what's standing in the way of your inner peace, purpose and success. Let us guide you towards a transformative journey of self-discovery and create the life you've always dreamed of.

How Can I Help?


the unconscious hidden beliefs, barriers and habits that hold you back from reaching the next level in your purpose.


what foods and lifestyle habits are keeping you stuck and negatively impacting your mindset and energy.


the limitations of your mind, and take your purpose, financial abundance, impact and fulfillment to the next level.


a plan of action and accountability that will powerfully propel you forward, and keep you on track to reaching your goals faster.

There Is A Solution.

I offer a refreshing and effective approach to life coaching, mental health, mindfulness, and personal growth. If you're tired of temporary solutions that fail to address the root causes of your challenges, then I’m so glad you found me here!

As a Certified Transformational Coach specializing in Conscious Behavior Change, I bring a unique perspective to the table. I believe in providing a proven method tailored specifically to your needs, drawing on the principles of mindfulness, self-love, and intention. With my guidance, expertise and accountability, you'll experience a profound transformation that permeates every aspect of your life.

Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of coaching hundreds of clients, witnessing firsthand the incredible power of this system. Together, we'll tackle the areas where you struggle, whether it's your mental health, loss of purpose, nutrition, spiritual well-being, or simply finding balance in life. I firmly believe that all these aspects are interconnected, and our journey will address each one of them.

Unlike quick fixes that only offer temporary relief, The Shift is designed to create lasting change. By integrating the pillars of mindfulness, self-love, and intention into your daily life, you'll develop the tools, practices and knowledge necessary to maintain balance in all areas. Whether you're facing personal challenges or seeking overall growth and fulfillment, I will go “all in” with you to work towards a life of lasting transformation.

Are you ready to finally “make shift happen” and embark on this incredible journey of self-discovery and personal development? Apply below and experience the profound impact it WILL have on your life.

Donny ASU Baseball

15 Games Into Baseball Season...

of my senior year at Arizona State University and the direction of my life was about to change in a dramatic way. Throughout my entire baseball career, I had multiple operations on my left knee and always found a way to come back and play through the pain. However, this fifth surgery I was about to have, which was a cadaver transplant of my meniscus, would forever end my dream of being a professional ball player.

I share this story with you because it is the inspiration behind “The Shift,” and why I’m on a mission to help others find their purpose. You see, I thought my purpose and identity in this life was to be a professional baseball player. But when one day that was taken away from me, I had no other plan or purpose, and was completely lost. I was stuck in the emotional and physical pain of losing the only thing I ever really knew. This led me a down a path of addiction and “purposeless” living for many years.

“It’s time to make SHIFT happen and create a total transformation of mind, body, and soul.”

— Donny Starkins

  • “Donny helped me ease my mind in ways I could never imagine. I was able to deal with all that comes with a stressful life in the NFL. It started with taking one breath, from there I was able to control not only my thoughts but my feelings through proper breathing. He’s a diamond in the rough.”

    Tyrann Matheiu, NFL Defensive Back

  • “Donny Starkins is an abundantly mindful yoga instructor and life coach. His heart is pure, his path is clear and his personal impact has been monumental for many.”

    Robin O.

  • “Donny has the most practical way of ushering in profound and life-changing mindfulness. His life tools inspire purposeful presence and exacting change. Donny is hands down one of my favorite and most soulfully celebrated teachers.”

    Brooke B.

  • “Donny’s love for yoga and passion for being of service to others is abundantly obvious in his inspired classes. He folds in the deeper dimensions of the physical practice inaccessible, clear ways that remind us that time on our mat is time to check IN, not check OUT. His heart is huge and he is simply pure joy to be around.”

    Gina C.

I went to rehab in 2008.

and have found a freedom I never knew was possible. Through a ton of personal development with my own coaches, therapy, yoga, meditation and committing to a life of service, I’ve completely “shifted” my life. My past has become my best asset, and the wound of my addiction has given me an access point to a greater purpose in life! 

When I finally made the decision to go “all in” on this personal growth journey and became 100% willing to do the work, I uncovered my blocks and let go of what was stopping me from being the highest version of myself.  During this life-changing journey, I committed to a step by step plan to create a total transformation and the ultimate “shift” in my life. 

This is where my passion and inspiration comes from. This type of work saved my life, which is why I’m so excited to share it with all of you!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Once a week for 90 days (12 total sessions). Each session ranges from 45 minutes to one hour. But please always make sure to allow for the full hour when scheduling.

  • Implementing “Mindfulness” into every aspect of my program is what I believe makes “The Shift” stand out amongst all the other programs out there. How we do anything is how we do everything! And so we are constantly looking out how our internal world is reflected by the world around us. This means that we must first become who we want to be and the results will follow. I also believe that other people are key to our success and happiness in life. This means that if we learn to give others what they want, through strong relationships, they will give us what we want. In fact, they will go out of their way to make us successful and happy. You get what you give! This is the law of the universe!

    My coaching program is holistic and long-term focused. I’ll work with you to create a more “mindful life,” build your emotional intelligence and then teach you how to sustain and even enhance the positive changes in yourself and your environment. In a sense, you become your own coach. This combination ensures your change and growth long after the coaching is over. Because the truth is that everything you’ll ever need is already inside of you. I’m here to help you discover that!

  • There are many reasons that an individual or team might choose to work with a coach, including but not limited to the following:

    There is something at stake (a challenge, stretch goal or opportunity), and it is urgent, compelling or exciting or all of the above;

    You are stuck or wanting change in your life;

    Dealing with major changes at work and or personal;

    There is a gap in knowledge, skills, confidence, or resources;

    There is a desire to accelerate results;

    There is a lack of vision/clarity, and there are choices to be made;

    The individual is extremely successful, and success has started to become problematic;

    Work and life are out of balance, and this is creating unwanted consequences; or

    One has not identified his or her core strengths and how best to leverage them.

  • A Personal Development Life Coach can guide you from where you are now in your life to where you want to be. Coaching is a new wave of self improvement and partnering with a coach can help you see things differently, achieve things you never thought possible and make long lasting changes in your life.

    A Personal Development Coach can take you from where you are in your life to where you want to be, whether it be in relationships, achieving goals both physical and mental, getting ‘unstuck’ or gaining insight with a very proactive approach.

    We all have a belief system in place that may or may not be serving us. We have learned things growing up, in school and affirm things in our minds constantly without even realizing it. I break down those beliefs and what is going on in your mind to show you what is causing the blockages and show you exactly how to turn them around!

  • You want a life coach to get rid of any blocks that may be holding you back from living your best life, having your best relationships, and being as successful as you can be. If you are feeling stuck or in an uncomfortable situation, or just not where you want to be, your personal development coach will help you see the light and give you guided action steps. A personal development coach is also someone you can confide in, a positive outlet for your stresses and burdens, an unbiased opinion and someone to hold you accountable to reaching your goals.

    I am personally committed to guiding you in achieving your own personal success.

  • You talk about anything and everything with your coach. What is bothering you? What is uncomfortable? What has you stuck? What would you change about your life if you could? What do you want to achieve? How are others affecting what you do? What do you REALLY want to do and what do you REALLY want out of your life? I promise you there will NEVER be any judgement from me on what you’re going through!

    When you give me this information, I am able to see behind the words and what is really being said. I can make you aware of things you may not be able to see yourself and give you guided steps to changing those things. Getting honest with yourself and with me is key! We will build that trust. That is my promise!

    ALL sessions are completely private and confidential!

  • Traditional therapy will usually have you exploring your past (childhood and upbringing) and unresolved issues from your past that may be contributing to your current situation. This can take a lot of time. Psychologists and Psychiatrists also deal with medical issues and may or may not prescribe medicine.

    A coach will take you from your current situation to where you would like to be by exploring the beliefs systems you have in place that may be holding you back. Personal Development Coaching is for highly functioning everyday individuals and issues. You will have someone to confide in with a fresh perspective and unbiased opinion with a clear plan to get you where you want to be while holding you accountable for your action steps.

  • Education is typically about giving information or introducing knowledge and skills about specific topics. Some parts of my program consist of teaching – passing on the knowledge of human behavior, success and happiness. Many clients are very good at memorizing that knowledge and some of them already have that knowledge, yet they find it hard to use this knowledge to make a change.

    Have you ever said, “I know what I need to do, but don’t know how?” How many times have you read an awesome book and said, “I will make a change NOW”, and after three days, you have lost that motivation? You are not alone. Many people experience the same thing.

    Everyone can benefit from learning about the way our brain works and the theories and research available to help us achieve happiness. The knowledge is applicable to everyone, but not everyone can implement it. This is why is SO IMPORTANT to have a coach!

    Personal Development Coaching is more than teaching. It gives you the knowledge of what you need to do, the tools that help you do it and the support and guidance you need along the way until you gain control over your mind, body, and soul. I will stay with you as long as you want and help you implement those new skills.

    Personal Development Coaching deals with the things that are important to you, not to anybody else. This makes this type of coaching incredibly effective, because you can see positive results right away and this encourages you to continue, so you get better and better results. At the same time, your confidence grows, until you feel you can handle just about anything no matter what life throws at you!

  • There is no formal licensing for Personal Development Coaching. Most coaches study coaching, belief systems, habit change, how minds work and may or may not be certified by a private coaching school. My certification is through Health Coach Institute, accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF), the only globally recognized, independent credentialing program for coach practitioners, via their CCE program (Continuing Coach Education). The ICF is a non-profit, professional organization. Its mission is to build, support and preserve the integrity of the coaching profession.

  • Yes! My program “The Shift” guarantees that if you go all in on the “HOW” acronym (Honesty, Open-Mindedness, Willingness), follow your goals and action steps, open yourself fully to your coaching and dedicate enough time and effort, you will ABSOLUTELY get great results from your coaching. We use many effective ways to coach you towards that. Every session, you will learn a different technique and we will give you extra work to incorporate the new learning into your life.

  • Sessions take place via Phone or Video Conference (Zoom/Skype). Each session will be designed around a specific theme in relation to where you are at on your journey, you will talk about what is on your mind, what’s going well and what challenges you are facing. At the end of each session, you will have actionable exercises or things to practice prior to the next session to keep you accountable and on the right path.

  • Payment is expected prior to our first call. Payment plans are available to everybody!

    Direct payment

