Honesty: Are You Ready To Get Real With Yourself?
After AWARENESS, which is the first step in making any type of change in life, comes HONESTY.
And it all starts by getting honest with yourself!
You can portray yourself in the world as this perfect person, with the perfect body, in the perfect house, with the perfect life, but the truth is that perfect isn’t real and is SO un-relatable, and therefore, you are really only betraying your own authenticity!
However, when you have a strong sense of self when you feel like you are a worthy person, it doesn't matter what other people think of you. You don't get caught up in other people’s opinions or gossip, because you are secure with yourself and therefore grounded in self-love, self-awareness, and acceptance of yourself (flaws and all).
It’s time to get real because if you don’t, you’ll end up living a fake life, your entire life, which is going to feel very regrettable when it’s all said and done!