Love Yourself First!
If I had to choose one area that we as a society are struggling with the most, it would absolutely be “Self-Love.”
The inability to love ourselves is showing up outwardly in so many ways that it’s time to change the narrative.
It is NOT selfish to put yourself first when it comes to self-care and doing the things necessary to nourish your mind/body.
It is NOT selfish to take time for yourself to get a massage, go to yoga, or workout. It’s actually selfish not to. Because if you’re not taking care of yourself, then the people in your life are getting a version of you that is depleted, tired, and often resentful.
It’s really hard to give from an empty cup.
So today, take time to figure out what it is that fills your cup.
What could you be doing that you’re not doing now?
Take care of yourself. LOVE YOURSELF!